Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Should Electronic Cigarettes be Regulated in the UK?

April 9, 2013 by  
Filed under Gadgets, General

Should Electronic Cigarettes be Regulated?

Everyone knows the damage that smoking causes our health and that if you smoke, it is highly likely to shorten your life. Cancer rates in smokers exceed those for non smokers & are more severe. Recent articles in the press and online have been becoming increasingly vocal about the potential dangers of electronic cigarettes.The tobacco industry is very wealthy and very powerful, with friends in government around the world.

If our Politicians real do have our best interests at heart, why do they continue to allow a proven ‘deadly’ product to be sold to us. Why not protect us from ourselves if smoking is real such a scourge on society? Governments across the world are not supporting the electronic cigarette user like they could be.

In the UK we have a Government that is prepared to risk strangling industry with health and safety red tape in order to mitigate a small risk to workers, while at the same time ignoring the 100,000 annual deaths that are caused by smoking. In 2011/12, the Governments tax revenue from tobacco was £12.1 Billion. Whichever way you slice it, that’s a lot of money that would have to be found from somewhere else if smoking was banned. The conclusion you might draw from this is that 100,000 deaths per year is acceptable if you are earning £12.1 Billion from it.

electronic cigarettes used by the rich and famous

There is a growing clamour for regulation of electronic cigarettes. This would presumably be to protect us from the dangers of vaping (have you heard of anyone dying from e-cigarette use?…. no, neither have we).It is the smoking cessation industry that seems to be behind the majority of the anti e-cigarette press and publicity. The tobacco companies have remained quite quiet on the subject to date. It’s difficult to argue that a new product might not be 100% healthy when you are selling a product that is proven to kill people!

The Government will at some point in the future look to regulate electronic cigarettes or to ban them if it can’t effectively find a way to tax them. That is unfortunately the way of things with Politicians.

In the coming months we will find out what the extent of future regulation for e-cigarettes will look like. If the Government can find a way to tax e-juice then apart from reducing the cost savings, electronic cigarettes are here to stay. If they can’t see an effective means to tax them however it is highly likely that they will be banned on spurious health grounds.

If the Government can’t find a way to successfully tax electronic cigarettes and more importantly vaporizers, then it will be forced to ban them in order to protect it’s current tobacco tax revenue streams. The idea of losing a large portion of the £12.1 Billion in tobacco tax will not be tolerated for long.

Switch to a ‘safer’ form of smoking with a high quality vaporizer.

Electronic Cigarettes Usage Growing Fast

April 6, 2013 by  
Filed under Gadgets, General

Electronic Cigarettes

The rise in the use of electronic cigarettes in the UK is continuing to grow at an exponential rate. More and more smokers are switching to vaporizing e-cigarettes as an alternative to tobacco because of the health benefits as well as the added convenience.

Electronic cigarettes and vaporizer devices atomise nicotine vapour without the majority of the nasty ingredients associated with smoking tobacco, including, tar, carbon monoxide, as well as the carcinogenic chemicals found in tobacco smoke. This makes electronic cigarette smoking a much safer alternative which is far less hazadous to your health.

How electronic cigarettes work

The Benefits of E-Cigarettes

E-Cigarettes have several advantages over traditional tobacco cigarettes.

Bypassing current UK anti-smoking legislation, e-cigarettes offer a practical alternative to smoking in public places. Many locations where smoking has been banned in the UK since July 1st 2007, permit the use of electronic cigarettes and vaporizers. There are a few locations that don’t understand the law and do not allow you to ‘vape’, but the majority have no problem.

The vapour emitted by e-cigs is mostly steam, with traces of nicotine which on its own has been proven to be no more harmful than caffeine. It is the other ingredients in cigarettes that make passive smoking so antisocial and without those chemicals, the tar and carbon monoxide, e-cig vapor is much less harmful to health.

A recen study found that for the majority of smokers, vaporizers are used as a means to quit smoking… see the findings here

E-cigarettes have other benefits too. Because of the large range of flavours of e-liquid available, users have far more choice when it comes to the taste and blend of their nicotine hit. Most e-cig users initially want a taste that is the same as the brand of cigarettes that they enjoy, but after a few weeks, many move on to trying fruit flavours, coffee, vanilla, chocolate etc which still deliver the great nicotine hit that they are looking for, but with a more palatable taste. Why have vapour that tastes of cigarette when you can have something altogether more fragrant and delicious?

Electronic cigarettes have two main advantages then, reduced risks due to much lower levels of carcinogens, and the ability to be able to use then in pubs, clubs, cinemas, restaurants, company cars, vans and lorrys, offices, shops, cafes, banks, airports, trains, buses, factories, on the tube, hotels, around children, and even on some flights. This gives the smoking community much more freedom to get their nicotine without the anxiety of wondering where the next ‘smoking area’ will be found!

Ecigarettes come in two basic designs, the electronic cigarette that looks similar to a traditional cigarette and a vaporizer that looks more like a pen.

an electronic cigarettes vaporizer with a clear e-juice reservoir tank

They both work using the same principles, of heating e-liquid to produce vapour.

Read this detailed information on e-cigarettes V vaporizers for more about the merits of each. Ultimately it comes down to personal preference. Many smokers initially want a ‘cigarette like’ vaping experience, so opt for an e-cigarette. A large number of them then move on to a quality vaporizer after a while however as with a vaporizing device you have several advantages. The batteries are larger so vaporizers are more practical and because the e-liquid is in a reservoir instead of being held in a cotton wool like material within a cartridge where the filter would be on a cigarette, the delivery of consistent nicotine vapour is much better.

This means that even when you only have a small amount of eliquid left in your device, you still get the same satisfying nicotine hit that you need. Electronic cigarette vapour tends to weaken as the cartridge is used up, and because you can’t see the amount of nicotine left in the cartridge, you can never be sure when you will run out.

Additionally, with a vaporizer you can mix up a blend on e-liquid to suit your smoking palate whereas with an e-cig you can only choose from a more limited range of pre-filled cartomizer cartridges that fit your specific device.

Electronic Cigarettes Summary

The device that you choose will be a matter of personal preference. What you want at the end of the day is a reliable delivery system for nicotine that you can use where you choose. Electronic cigarettes and vaporizers offer you just that.

See the best quality vaporizers on sale online, and starter kits are from just £19.99….. see the vaporizers here

New Online Game Sites 2013 – Viespy Photo Treasure Hunt I Spy Game

January 28, 2013 by  
Filed under Gadgets, Gaming & Consoles, General

Viespy – New Online Game Sites

Viespy is a brand new way to play the ancient game of I Spy online. Viespy is a new online game for 2013, that lets you set ‘missions’ of 10 items to find and take photographs of. You can then upload your photos onto the website and compete against your friends.

Depending on how easy or difficult you think it will be to find a particular item or object, you can allocate different points within each mission.

The only limit for your missions is your imagination.

The new online game Viespy can be used by tourists boards, museums, tourist attractions, country houses, parks, towns, cities, clubs, societies and groups and is a great way to encourage people to look around and explore your facilities.

There are limitless possibilities for creating missions to play with your friends, for nights out, stag and hen parties, day trips, road trips, school holidays, scouts, cubs, guides and brownies events and activities, school field trips, educational events, team building, team training, you can use Viespy for them all.

All you need to play is a free account that you can sign up.

Foto Ferret has created a new online game

Hi, I’m Foto Ferret

Then you just need a digital camera, or a smart phone.

Uploading photos is easy, either straight from your memory card on your computer, or by using either our Android App or or iPhone App which will both let you upload the pictures you have taken straight into whatever mission you are playing.

When you sign up you are automatically given some free coins which allow you to play more missions against more people. You can win more coins totally free by playing ‘Public’ missions where you compete against everyone else rather than just your friends.

If you want to buy more coins to upgrade faster you can, but you don’t have to.

Sign up today and start creating some missions to play with your friends…… go to Viespy Tutorials to watch videos on how to play

Or find out more about the Viespy game

How to Start a Blog and make Money Online

How to Start a Blog

Blogging offers the opportunity to work from home, writing content that will find an audience online and allow you to earn a living with just a PC and an internet connection. If you are going to start a blog, then you need to go throught the process with a strategy to be successful.

How to Start a Blog Successfully: Read more

Where to get FREE Blog Traffic

November 16, 2012 by  
Filed under SEO, Social Media

FREE Blog traffic

Generating free blog traffic is the lifeblood of your online business.

Without sufficient traffic your site or blog will never accomplish their purpose.

And while there are numerous pay options to generate traffic, there are an equal number of effective and free Read more

Making Money Blogging

November 16, 2012 by  
Filed under SEO Tutorials

Making Money Blogging

Here are 5 EASY steps we’ll take together to help you start making money blogging and working successfully from home.

Are you curious about how to making money blogging?

Think that starting a blog is the Read more

Facebook pay per click a waste of money

July 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Pay Per Click, Social Media

Facebook Pay per Click a Waste of Money?

An undercover investigation was held and found that companies waste thousands of pounds on advertising through Facebook which doesn’t actually work.

Advertisers use Facebook to promote their business in an aim to Read more

Facebook want button discovered

July 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Social Media

Facebook WANT button discovered

It has been leaked that a potential ‘want’ button could be added to Facebook letting users ‘like’ a product or page as well as display that they ‘want’ it too.

 This isn’t fact yet and it will be interesting to see if the facebook want button becomes set in stone to be a new feature as this discovery has been made by Tom Warrington, developer of Read more

Microsoft Surface Tablet Price Tag

June 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Laptops, Tablets

Microsoft Surface Tablet

So, Microsoft has shown off its new Microsoft Surface tablet but no mention of a set in stone price yet(see below for latest prices now the Surface has been launched). Rumour has it we could expect to see the Microsoft Surface go on sale from as little as $600 up to about $700. Baring in mind that this is supposed to be competing with the Apple iPad it has to be some piece of kit to be Read more

Social Media kills the Postcard

June 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Social Media

Social Media kills the Postcard

After years of decline, it’s now official,  Social Media kills the Postcard once and for all.

For those of you who can vision going on holiday before the days of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Texting and Emailing can you remember that lovely feeling of being able to go and pick out a post card of somewhere you have visited on your holiday or perhaps Read more