Sunday, February 16, 2025

How to Start a Blog and make Money Online

How to Start a Blog

Blogging offers the opportunity to work from home, writing content that will find an audience online and allow you to earn a living with just a PC and an internet connection. If you are going to start a blog, then you need to go throught the process with a strategy to be successful.

How to Start a Blog Successfully: Read more

Where to get FREE Blog Traffic

FREE Blog traffic

Generating free blog traffic is the lifeblood of your online business.

Without sufficient traffic your site or blog will never accomplish their purpose.

And while there are numerous pay options to generate traffic, there are an equal number of effective and free Read more

Facebook pay per click a waste of money

Facebook Pay per Click a Waste of Money?

An undercover investigation was held and found that companies waste thousands of pounds on advertising through Facebook which doesn’t actually work.

Advertisers use Facebook to promote their business in an aim to Read more

Facebook want button discovered

Facebook WANT button discovered

It has been leaked that a potential ‘want’ button could be added to Facebook letting users ‘like’ a product or page as well as display that they ‘want’ it too.

 This isn’t fact yet and it will be interesting to see if the facebook want button becomes set in stone to be a new feature as this discovery has been made by Tom Warrington, developer of Read more

Social Media kills the Postcard

Social Media kills the Postcard

After years of decline, it’s now official,  Social Media kills the Postcard once and for all.

For those of you who can vision going on holiday before the days of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Texting and Emailing can you remember that lovely feeling of being able to go and pick out a post card of somewhere you have visited on your holiday or perhaps Read more

Facebook, the new form of ID.

It seems that Facebook has now become a form of ID when going into town at night time.

Bouncers are now asking people to open their Facebook profiles on their mobile phones as a way of checking that people are not using fake ID.

Charlotte Neal, 20 years of age from Southampton told a reporter that on a night out a few bouncers had asked her to open her Facebook App on her phone and she did so without really thinking about it. But after a few times she started to question why Read more

Latest on Facebook’s Instagram deal

Opinions are divided when more information about Mark Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook )and his deal with Instagram come to light.

when it became official that Zuckerberg made the purchase of photo editing app Instagram for half the price at $1 billion, it seems he neglected the fact to tell the rest of the board at Facebook that he had made this purchase, not to mention that Kevin Systrom now has a Read more

Facebook makes a deal with Instagram

After recent news that shocked many as to how much Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, had paid $1 Billion for the purchase of the new instagram app that allows you to edit your photographs using sepia tints and complete colour change, it appears that Zuckerberg actually got it at Read more