Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Website Forensics

Web Traffic Analysis

Knowing who has visited your website is of course a key sales tool. Especially if those visitors did not leave a comment, enquire about something or more importantly purchase anything on your website.

Do not feel alarmed, businesses with their own IP addresses can be traced, members of the public cannot be and this process is completely legal, because all the required information about company servers and where they are registered is Read more

Designing your website to make it work

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Web Design

There is only one reason a business will create a website and that is to eventually make money. Whether it be to offer free downloads so people will come back and make a purchase, to allow people to leave comments and queries so you can then contact them and sell your product, or people simply buy something they like straight away.

Designing your website so people click in the right places to do this is crucial and a lot of companies do not Read more

US Government Hack Games Consoles.

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Gadgets, Gaming & Consoles

It has been reported that the US government and navy plan on hacking into games consoles, such as Microsoft XBox and Sony Playstation, to help police catch suspected paedophiles and terrorists, it seems that criminals are clever to the idea of not using email and mobile phones to discuss and plan illegal and threatening activity and are now using gaming to so. Read more

Facebook makes a deal with Instagram

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Social Media

After recent news that shocked many as to how much Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, had paid $1 Billion for the purchase of the new instagram app that allows you to edit your photographs using sepia tints and complete colour change, it appears that Zuckerberg actually got it at Read more

Samsung Galaxy S3

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Gadgets, Phones

 As many people are at this moment in time, we are eager to see what Samsung are going to pull out of the bag with what is expected to be the King of Android Smart phones.

No one is certain as to when the Galaxy S3 will hit high street store but we do that the official grand launch date of the S3 will be at Earls Court, London on 3rd May 2012. Then we will find out what amazing features Samsung have built into what is expected to be slimmer than the Galaxy S2, which was released last year.

Even then Samsung managed to get Read more

The latest rumours on the IPad 4

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Tablets

Rumours are sparked once again about the new Apple iPad 4 which is expected to be released this year. It seems the Chinese web company, NetEase, has recently claimed that Apple is developing the new mini iPad 4 and will go on sale to compete with the new windows 8-based tablets that are expected to be released at the same time.

When the iPad 3 was released it didn’t Read more

Google and Oracle in $1 Billion Court battle

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Search Engine News, SEO

Fireworks are expected in the largest tech lawsuit to date as a Californian law jury is sworn in to take on the case between giants Oracle and Google.

Oracle’s chief executive and founder Larry Ellison has battled with Google since August 2010 over alleged infringement of its patents and plans to sue the search engine giant for Read more

Google Seeks a Full Time “doodler” for their Home Page designs

April 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Search Engine News

Google is currently advertising for someone to fill the position of full time “doodler” to create iconic designs for their home page in order to celebrate important days in history.

You will be based at Google’s Mountain View head quarters in silicon valley, California. Over the years Google has published hundreds of different Read more