Sunday, February 23, 2025

Email Marketing Explained

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Email Marketing, SEO

Email marketing is very simple, it is a way of marketing your product or business using email to existing or potential customers.

Just think of when you have commented on, or purchased an item online, majority of sites will ask you for your email address and will give you an optional box to tick at the bottom asking if you are happy to receive information about their latest products and services available each Month.

If you tick this box then sure enough you will receive such emails. In is a Direct type of Email Marketing.

Transactional emails are also a type of Email Marketing. These emails are sent when you have made an order or sent a payment online and you receive a conformation email that simply shows an online receipt and usually a thank you message.

As a business owner this is a great method of engaging with customers and showing them you are a friendly and trust worthy company to deal with.

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