Friday, October 18, 2024

Where to get FREE Blog Traffic

November 16, 2012 by  
Filed under SEO, Social Media

FREE Blog traffic

Generating free blog traffic is the lifeblood of your online business.

Without sufficient traffic your site or blog will never accomplish their purpose.

And while there are numerous pay options to generate traffic, there are an equal number of effective and free blog traffic tools and techniques.

Here are some great free blog traffic generators:…… click to see them

This morning I spent a bit of time working on increasing the traffic to my blog. I came across a great resource in the form of a list of links to blog directories and news aggregators that you can submit your blog articles to so that you are able to reach wider audiences. Boosting your blog traffic is very important, especially if you are trying to make money from advertising and affiliate programs, in order to stay cost effective, using free blog traffic sources makes a lot of sense.

I really have to say that the best thing I did today that had almost instantaneous results was submitting my blog to StumbleUpon. I kid you not, my daily average of about 8 to 10 unique visitors per day skyrocketed to 118 in a matter of a few hours. click for more

I’ve been marketing online now for three years and managed to create an amazing social community of bloggers that generates more then 1200 unique hits a day with over 5.2 page views per visitor. I know the importance of generating traffic to your website or blog. I created Blog Engage in order to help other bloggers promote their blogs and generate traffic. The difference with Blog Engage and other social communities is the traffic is real bloggers like you and me.

I’ve managed to build this community by using many free online marketing methods to promote and market. I’ve used webmaster forums, blogs, online social communities, social media sites such as facebook, twitter and more. Today I would like to share with you how to take advantage of ……. read full article

Free Blog Traffic

The ultimate key to making your blog work for you is getting people to read it. And if no one finds your blog, then you will never make any money, so you need FREE BLOG TRAFFIC….

The purpose of your blog is to gather like minded people in one place, where they can read useful information, that you provide, which helps them.

By now you will have decided on your niche….. if you don’t have a niche yet, you want to take a look at our ‘niche finding guide’ to help you find something to blog about.

Once you have a niche, you need to find as many people who are interested in that niche as possible, and we have many ways that you can do that.

To get started, you need to get news of your blog out to as many people as possible. Step one is to make sure that your blog posts appear in search engine results. If you are using our recommended WordPress plugin SEO by Yoast, then each post that you create will be ready and able to rank in search, but there are a few things you still need to do in order to make sure you are found…..

Increase Free Blog Traffic With These Four Great Techniques

Do you ever feel like you’re diligently working away on your blog producing the best content you possibly can but getting – at best – a meagre return for your effort? That article you slaved over for hours on end leads to a tiny pinprick of traffic in your stats but not the deluge you feel it deserves.

Sometimes the classic adage of simply producing great content so that it attracts links naturally seems like little more than a pipe dream.

Compare this to the articles that Famous Bloggers publish. Every one receives thousands of visitors, numerous comments and all sorts of social shares and naturally acquired links from forums and other blogs. This in turn helps these articles to gently rise up the search engine rankings and helps to increase blog traffic by sending a constant stream of residual traffic to the site, the ultimate free blog traffic.

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